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young people's commitment to our bodies, lives

and futures in this election & beyond.



what & why

The 2020 election is not just about the names on the ballot; it’s about the issues up for debate, up for a vote, and up for a fight. And young people are ready to fight. 


That is why a coalition of young people -led and -serving organizations launched Our Voices 2020.


Throughout 2020, young people (ages 16-28) around the country are called to make your power heard in this election and beyond by making your Our Voices Commitments: two bold commitments — one to the issues and one to get out the vote.


In turn, the coalition will provide the support, mentorship, and community you deserve to make change happen. 

the commitments


The Issue Commitment can range from calling your lawmaker’s office to participating in an organization’s (digital) lobby day to drafting your own policy (with support from Coalition partners). By making this commitment, you are giving power to the issues YOU care about and that candidates need to act on; you are taking civic engagement beyond the ballot box; and you are helping to sustain young people's political power in the years to come to drive legislative change. 


The Get Out The Vote Commitment can include driving your friends to the polls, getting 10 peers to commit to showing up on election day, or hosting a voter registration drive. By making this commitment, you are helping to increase voter turnout among young people so we can make clear that if politicians want our votes and support, they have to listen to our voices. 

then what happens..

When you make your Commitments, you: 


  • Get the invite to monthly phone calls (starting April 15 at 7:00 pm EST) with movement leaders from across the country so you can ask your questions, share highlights, and learn key tips and tricks for advocacy; 

  • Receive monthly activation alerts so you know where to plug in and power up; 

  • Have access to weekly office hours with Platform’s Executive Director to help brainstorm, prepare, and implement your commitments; 

  • AND while we don’t do this work for the acknowledgement, we will be sharing success stories across media platforms to inspire people into action; 

  • Finally, you will get limited edition Our Voices 2020 buttons and bags (while supplies last) because advocacy, but make it fashion. 

It’s time young people's voices are front-and-center in the political decisions made about our lives.

Are you with us?

Action Guide

Get the invite to monthly phone calls (starting April 15 at 7:00 pm EST) with movement leaders from across the country so you can ask your questions, share highlights, and learn key tips and tricks for advocacy; 

Registration available upon making your Commitments

Office Hours

Starting April 17, every Friday we will host office hours with Jennifer Mandelblatt, Co-Founder & Executive Director of Platform, for personalized Commitment guidance and support. Bring your goals and questions to the office hours! Where appropriate, we will use this call to identify partners and collaborators who may be able to best support your leadership and help you meet your goals.




Registration available upon making your Commitments.


Monthly Calls

Contact Us

young people's commitment to our bodies, lives and futures in this election & beyond.

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© 2020 by Platform. 

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